Latest News
- A Little Bit Wicked is an Amazon Kindle Top 100 Bestseller!
- No Ordinary Mistress is an Amazon Kindle Bestseller!
- Updated Appearances, check below
- A Little Bit Wicked, A Little Bit Sinful & A Little Bit Scandalous are bestsellers in France!
Books Coming Soon
Here is the tentative schedule for Robyn’s upcoming releases
- Check back for updates!
Stay tuned for information as Robyn schedule events.

The following are Robyn’s most popular workshops that she can present at your local writing event. She has other workshops available if you are interested. To schedule Robyn to speak, contact her here.
BIGGER THAN BOTOX – This workshop will unveil three levels of revisions that will take your book from an unhealthy, flabby mess, to a thing of beauty your editor will want to clutch to her chest while singing Etta James’s At Last.
CHARACTER PLOTTING – This workshop will present three tiers of worksheets that will guide a writer through brainstorming, character development, and character-driven plotting. These worksheets will help writers reveal character growth and keep their focus on the developing relationship between the hero and heroine.
EXTREME MAKEOVER – TAKE YOUR CHARACTERS FROM DRAB TO FAB – This workshop will give a writer the tools she needs to craft a character, paying particular focus to character types, character goals, character growth, and conflict (both internal and external). Showing tried and true methods for creating characters that readers love and that grow and change so they deserve their happy ending.
FEELINGS, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, FEELINGS – This workshop will show writers how they can add authentic emotion to every page of their book using proven techniques (with examples) so that the end result will not only garner attention from agents and editors, but just might get you that coveted “call.”
MAKING GMC WORK FOR YOU – You’re familiar with all the basics, but how do you really apply all those acronyms? This workshop will go deep with hands-on assistance to show you how to build the story of your character’s emotional journeys. We’ll pay special attention to the character arc and how it relates to theme and the developing romance. Using the three elements to create 3-dimensional characters with believable character arcs and page-turning plots